
吴青海1,三 月2,萨初拉1,郭 煜1,王力伟1,王莉梅1,杨 静1,其布日1*


摘要:该文探究传统发酵乳源短乳杆菌(Lactobacillus brevis)HQ1-1的基因组基本特征和糖代谢表型。经PacBio平台对短乳杆菌HQ1-1进行全基因组测序,并对基因组进行功能分类和注释。结果显示,短乳杆菌HQ1-1包含1条长度为2376708bp的环状染色体和7个大小不同的质粒DNA,编码2268个基因。通过KEGG数据库注释到参与代谢过程的基因有860个,其中,碳水化合物代谢相关基因的数量为142个,占比为16.51%。进一步用CAZy数据库注释到了糖苷水解酶类基因114个,占碳水化合物相关基因总数的45.24%。通过Biolog微阵列表型芯片分析发现,短乳杆菌HQ1-1对L-阿拉伯糖、D-木糖、D-核糖、L-来苏糖等碳源的利用效率相对更高。因此,发酵乳源短乳杆菌HQ1-1基因组中包含碳水化合物代谢相关基因的数量较多,能够利用多种碳源。该文全面阐述了短乳杆菌HQ1-1基因组特征和代谢表型,为今后开发功能性发酵食品提供新型乳酸菌发酵剂


中图分类号:TS252.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-506X(2024)06-0001-0008

Lactobacillus brevis HQ1-1 from Traditional Fermented Milk Source and Analysis of Its Genomic Characteristics and Glycometabolic Phenotype

WU Qinghai1,SAN Yue2,SA Chula1,GUO Yu1,WANG Liwei1,WANG Limei1,YANG Jing1,QI Buri1*

(1.Biotechnology Institute,Inner Mongolia Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Hohhot 010031,China;2.Department of Catering and Food,Inner Mongolia Business and Trade Vocational College,Hohhot 010070,China)

Abstract: In this paper, the basic characteristics of the genome and glycometabolic phenotype of Lactobacillus brevis HQ1-1 from traditional fermented milk were explored. The whole genome sequencing of Lactobacillus brevis HQ1-1 was conducted by PacBio platform, and the functional classification and annotation of the genome were performed. The results showed that Lactobacillus brevis HQ1-1 carried a circular chromosome with a length of 2 376 708 bp and 7 plasmids DNA of different sizes, encoding 2 268 genes. There were 860 genes annotated by KEGG database involved in metabolic process, among them 142 genes were related to carbohydrate metabolism, accounting for 16.51%. Further, 114 glycoside hydrolases genes were annotated using CAZy database, accounting for 45.24% of the total number of carbohydrate-related genes. According to Biolog microarray phenotype chip analysis, Lactobacillus brevis HQ1-1 was found to have relatively higher efficiency of utilizing carbon sources like L-arabinose, D-xylose, D-ribose, L-lyxose. Therefore, the genome of Lactobacillus brevis HQ1-1 contains a large number of genes related to carbohydrate metabolism, possessing utilization capacity for various carbon source. The paper comprehensively elaborates the genome characteristics and metabolic phenotypes of Lactobacillus brevis HQ1-1, and provides novel lactic acid bacteria starter for the development of functional fermented food in the future.

Keywords:traditional fermented milk;Lactobacillus brevis HQ1-1;whole genome sequencing;functional gene;glycometabolic phenotype





  • 双月刊

  • 四川省经济和信息化厅

  • 四川省食品发酵工业研究设计院有限公司

  • 《食品与发酵科技》编辑部

  • 四川省成都市温江区杨柳东路中段98号

  • 611130

  • 028-82763572

  • ISSN1674-506X

  • CN51-1713/TS

  • 62-247